jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

The End

Well, have arrived the moment to say goodbye, nice to, meet you, thanks for coming, bla bla bla. But before, to finish in a good way, I will talk about my experience here.
 It have been fine, a little bored sometimes, specially when i have too much tests and things to do. For example, today i have a zoology test and I have to write, I should be studing mammals an birds! I'm not saying that it's not usefull, my writing have improve lots, but sometimes i would prefer to write the blogs in home, and came here just the day that we have a class. It would be more practical, some days we just have that class, and some of my classmates lives two hours ago from here!! Also my keyboard is no as hard as that, my arms hurt! 
Out of that, i like to write, it's funny, some of the topics have been very crazy. It's a good way to learn and enlarge our vocabulary.
Another thing that i would like to change is the topics, well, they are funny, but they don't help us very much in our careers, I'm not sure of how it can be implemented, maybe learn specifics words in class and after ude them, I don't know.
Ok, there's just one more thing to say...

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

My favourite food.

Today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite food. It isn't a hard desition if i talk about lunch dishes, it's fried fish with rice, I used to eat it every week in my grandmom's hause, but now she moved, and noboby sells fresh fishes there.
 But talking about cakes and pies, i couldn't choose just one, but here is my top five:
5.- Raspberry pie: I like it because it's a little acid, but it's still sweet and fresh. Mmmm.
4.- Peach kuchen: well, i'm not talking about the traditional, it is the recipe from my aunt Teresa. She is a little old now and she don't use to cook, bu if you go to her hause and you help her, you will not regret... just a little, she is really exigent. Everywey, she will give you the recipe and you can make it in your home.
3.- Apple cake: it's a recipe that i found in the internet. I was looking for a nice cake for my friends and i found it. The cake result a bit disarmed, but it was so good that we ate it from the container.
2.- Yogurt cake: it's so soft, so sweet, so subtle... it's just amazing.
1.- Lemon pie: it's my favourite, it's unmatched, heaven should tastes like lemon pie, i'm sure.

There's another thing that I love lots: ice creams. They are wonderful, probably a part of the heaven is made of ice cream. The strangest flavor I've taste is rose's petals. It's too one of the betters. I could eat icecreams in any moment.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Life is dream, and dreams, dreams are.

Hi everyone!! Today i'm going to talk to you about something that i like so much: books. Well, jus about my favourite one. It was hard to choose, but i've choosed that because it's very old, very beautiful and i really like how it shows the life: as a dream,
 And the book is....Life is a dream, from Calderon de la Barca. It tells the story of the prince Segismundo, who have lived all his life caged in a tower, just guarded for an old man, because the oracle said to his father, king Basilio, that his son will overthrow him when he grew up. Segismundo grow up, and he seem a good man, he read lots, it was the lastone thing that he made there, and talk about how sad and lonely he felt. He didn't know anyone but his warden and he didn't know who he was. But his guard tell to the king how sad he was, and he decided to take Segismundo to the palace as a prince, if he was a good one, he will stay, if he doesn´t, they would tell him that it had been a dream. Well, he become a bad person. He killed a man, flaunting his power, he shout to people, he talk in a bad way to everyone, angry because they kept them caged all that time.  So soon he was returned to his jail.
 There he wake up thinking that it had been a dream, and very sad and he gives a beautiful and famous discours, that I wont write here, because i don't like how it sounds in English, but if you asked me one day, i can read it for you.
Well, in the end the people from the kingdom, knowing that there was a prince, demand to liberte him, He think that it was a dream again, and decided to live his life in a  better way, because life is just the dream we live, he even offered his life to his father, for his bad attitude, but the king forgive him, and  crowned him king, for that knew and noble act.

I read it for the first time a few years ago, but i knew the story because i had seen it in the theatre, There i didn´t understood it very well, but it called my atention. Years after that, in a boring summer afternoon, i look for something to read, and hidden with the unread books from my sister, was Life is a dream.
I liked so much for the way to see the life: as a dream, that you have to enjoy, because they soon end. Also it´s a way to see how relating our lifes are.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

The monky's madam

 Elba muñoz is a Chilean woman. She was a matron, but today she is the directress from the Centro de rehabilitacion de primates de Peñaflor, a place that today shelter 180 animals.
 Everything started in the 80', she had adopted a brown woolly monkey, who they called Cristobal. They loved him, but soon he grown up and started to give them problems, so they had to keep him caged. Seen at him she understood what means to be a pet for a wild animal and how big was the impact of the animals trafficking. Then she adopted a couple of monkeys in her hause, she started to read about them and how to give them a better life, to inform people about trafficking and to rescue monkeys in bad conditions.
 Seeing her work SAG and other institutions started to give her the monkeys that they rescue, and soon she had 15 monkeys in her hause!!! His husbund was a little worried, he asked her when she was to stop, but then they were 60 monkeys.
 In 1994 they inagurated the center and she haven't stop yet. Today the center shelter 180 monkeys, of different species and ages, all of them recived an appropriated food, home and cares if it's necesary.
 But it haven't being easy, she have recived threats from traffickers and importan people who is intrested in that business; the town ask her money for the monkeys garbage, and although goberment institutions as SAG ask her help, she doesn't get economic contribution, she and her family pay everything, with a little volunteer contribution.
 The center have a volunteer's program, but sadly it haven't work very well, because there's not much people intrested in it.
 Everyway she is happy, now a days she recives lese monkys, and it means that the traffick have disminished. Her dream is to close the center but because the traffick ends and any monky else needs her help.

Elba and Pulito

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Elephant's ass

Well people, today 'm going to confess something: the reason that i call myself elephants is... my butt. Ok. you're right, it isn´t that big, but i have a dream: Be like Nicki Minaj.
No, i´m lying hahahas.

Seriously i wouldn't like to be a famous person. I like to be free to do what i want, without anyone who questions me (except my mom, of course), to wear how i want and to live with the people who i want. But if i could be someone famous for one day, i would be Nicki Minaj. Just think it! It would be incredible!
8.30 am; wake up, take a shower: DON´T FORGET TO DANCE SEXY IN THERE!
9.00 am: choose clothes. If it's cold take a faux fur coat.
10.00 am: going to the gym, 20 minutes of twerk to warm-up. Excercise abdomen and butt.
1.00 pm: eat an hypercaloric lunch to keep my body
2.30 pm: going to wicked and crazy laughter clases. Today: Ursula, from The little mermaid.
4.00-7.00: FREE TIME: we recommend dance and trying sexy poses for new albums.
7.00 pm: dress and make up for evenning event: look for an extravagant dress, and make up properly
9.30 pm: Let's go to the event! DONT' FORGET TO MAKE A FUSS.

Do you see? ít´s a funny life. And she have to make crazy things to keep her work, what would be better?

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

A photo of costumed elephants

Hi !!

Today I have to talk about a photograph I like. It´s so difficult, because there are lots of good moments.
Trying to find a special one I found really old photos. Seeing how much i've changed it's incredible. Just because i have to choose one I'll talk about that:

That photo was taken by Danae Purin, my sport's teacher in october from the last year. These beautiful girls were my classmates. We were disguised, because we had showed world dances: flamenco, tarantela, arabic, chinese and southamerican dances. It was so funny.
I like this photo because i had a really god time with them and I have them very fond. We were together since 2011 to 2014. In that time we made all kind of fun things: we played football, we slept, we traveled, we sang, we made parties, we played cards and many other things. Of course we figth sometimes and I do't like all of them, but we had fun these three years.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

The loves of my life

Hi again!

Today I'm going to talk to you about one of the most important things for me. My reason to smile every day, no matter how bad the day had been, no matter if I'm sick... They are my dogs.
Little Loqui

I have three dogs: Loqui, Riccio and Susana. Loqui has six years old. We fell in love from the first moment we saw. When he was an only son we did everything together: we slept together, we eat together, even he wait me out of the bathroon. He is the most beautiful dog in the world and he always look at me with his loving eyes.

Riccio using me like transport
Riccio (that means curly in Italian) is a black poodle. He arrived three years ago, in september 18th. A neighbor's dog had puppies and she was selling them. The whites and the browns were sold so fast, but the black puppie was discriminated. The woman worked all the day and the little dog escapes, so she, seeing how much we love Loqui, decided to give us the baby. Riccio was a
pretty and clumsy ball of black hair. He and Loqui love each other, they sleep together. At first riccio slept with my sister, but he wanted to be with Loqui and I. That's how we ended the three in the same bed.

The lastone, but no else important is Susana. She has about ten month old. One day i was sit in the school yard and she jumped on my and kissme. She was about three month old, and she was covered with ticks. I take her home supposedly for two or three days, hoping to find her a definitivly family. But she stays, and stays, until we decided to adopt her. Now she is big, healthy and ticks free. My dad hates her, she is like a baby, but he don´t undertand her, she is a beautiful girl full of energy.
On sundays my sister and I take the dogs out for a walk. They love it, because at the end we let them run free in the park, where they play with other dogs.

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Long live the clock-radio!!

Hi, cute people

That week i'm going to talk about my favourite technological device. I got it from my grandfather this summer, it's an analogous old clock-radio, that my mom used when she was younger. I think it is one of the greatest inventionts (or fusion ofinventions) ever! I love to sleep, so get awake in the morning is a torture for me. I hate alarms, the noisy ones get me cranky, and if they are soft, they become part of my dreams. The clock-radio is great because i love music,it's something different every day and it keep playing until i turn it off.

Since i got it, my life change. Every night i choose the hour with a knob and move a little button to AUTO. It's old, for that it have problems sometimes. For example the plug is disconnected, it stops and i don't wake up the next morning. Also, how i said before, it's analogous. Once it falls and some of the numbers were released, it wasn't a problem, it still working, but a few days ago i move it to clean, and the pieces obstruct the sistem, and it can't move now. I'm really sad, now mornings are not the same, i hope it can be fixed, but until that, my father is waking me up.

Long life the clock-radio!!

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

The elephant nowadays.

Hi bored people

The last week i've told you general things about my life, now i'm going to tell you what i'm doing today. I strarted to study veterinarian medicine a few weeks ago in Universidad de Chile. That semester is very general, i'm taking animal diversity, molecular basis, quantification methods, English, professional orientation and a class of how to use university's datebase. Animal diversity and molecular basis have practical classes, they're really interesting, yesterday we dissect a worm, mine was male, we called him Jaison.

Until now i haven't take any extracurriculum class, but i'm going to the choir this monday, well, i wont sing officialy, i will play the flute, but i'll learn everyway.
Beyone that i´m not doing anything in the university, i have visited the animals in Mundo Granja, maybe i´ll work with them with copba.

I have many expectations about that year. I want to learn lots, inside the classroom and with the animals. I expect to love the career even more than i do now.

Well, so for now


jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Where do the elephants come from?

Pauli and me
Well, I start at the beginning. I was born in San Bernardo nineteen years ago. I lived there a short time with my parents, grand parents and an aunt. All of them coddled me lots, because I was the first granddaugher in the famliy. After that, mom get pregnant again, so we moved hause to Puente Alto, where we still live.
My sister was born one and a half year after me, her name is Paulina. We loved lots to each other, but we fight lots too, like all sisters. The better part of our relation are the stupid things that we do together. Also i have three dogs: Loqui, Riccio and Susi, and a cat,Chicho. They are a  really important part of my family and I loved them so much.

I studied in three schools before go in the high school in seventh grade. I stay there till the end. In the high school I have a really good time. I know lot of people, lot of places, and lived lot of nice experiences. In 2011 the school was taken and it lasted ten months, so lots of us decided to repeat the grade. It was so sad, because all of my friends passed, but it lasted a little time. Soon I started talking with people with whom I had never spoken before, and they´re now some of my better friends.

In the high school also I discovered something that I like so much: music. My music teacher, Ivette, learn me and a few students how to play the flute. After that one of the girls and I startes to play in the glorious Ensamble Instrumental Liceo 1, how we call it. It was so funny to play with them, beacause all of us loved what we were doing, we play in places where I ever dreamed play. It was fantastic.

So for now.