jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

The monky's madam

 Elba muñoz is a Chilean woman. She was a matron, but today she is the directress from the Centro de rehabilitacion de primates de Peñaflor, a place that today shelter 180 animals.
 Everything started in the 80', she had adopted a brown woolly monkey, who they called Cristobal. They loved him, but soon he grown up and started to give them problems, so they had to keep him caged. Seen at him she understood what means to be a pet for a wild animal and how big was the impact of the animals trafficking. Then she adopted a couple of monkeys in her hause, she started to read about them and how to give them a better life, to inform people about trafficking and to rescue monkeys in bad conditions.
 Seeing her work SAG and other institutions started to give her the monkeys that they rescue, and soon she had 15 monkeys in her hause!!! His husbund was a little worried, he asked her when she was to stop, but then they were 60 monkeys.
 In 1994 they inagurated the center and she haven't stop yet. Today the center shelter 180 monkeys, of different species and ages, all of them recived an appropriated food, home and cares if it's necesary.
 But it haven't being easy, she have recived threats from traffickers and importan people who is intrested in that business; the town ask her money for the monkeys garbage, and although goberment institutions as SAG ask her help, she doesn't get economic contribution, she and her family pay everything, with a little volunteer contribution.
 The center have a volunteer's program, but sadly it haven't work very well, because there's not much people intrested in it.
 Everyway she is happy, now a days she recives lese monkys, and it means that the traffick have disminished. Her dream is to close the center but because the traffick ends and any monky else needs her help.

Elba and Pulito